Call for Speakers - Marketing Analytics Summit 2024 - Call for Speakers

APPLY as a Speaker for
Marketing Analytics Summit
Phoenix, June 2025
The Conference for Digital Analytics Trailblazers

Call for Speakers


Marketing Analytics Summit, June 2025


June 3-4, 2025 l Conference
June 2/5, 2025 l Workshops


Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, Phoenix, AZ

The speaker proposal deadline is October 29, 2024. 
Speakers will be notified by: November 30, 2024


Since 2002, Marketing Analytics Summit (formerly eMetrics Summit) has brought together the latest thinking, the newest developments, and the most current examples of using data for marketing.

Marketing Analytics Summit is where marketing analytics professionals discuss, reimagine and collaborate.
Marketing Analytics Summit is the birthplace of the next breakthroughs in marketing.

Marketing Analytics Summit because:

  • You cannot manage what you do not measure
  • You cannot predict the future without solid data
  • You cannot sustain growth without audience metrics
  • You cannot optimize your marketing spend without analytics
  • You cannot build brand loyalty without measuring customer engagement


Digital Analytics takes a village. The legwork of data collection, preparation, integration, curation, analysis, and storytelling is a team sport. Your team will benefit from showing up together to take in as many of the sessions as possible, and to compare notes, upgrade your vision, and generate plans.

Gleaning meaning from data is art and science.


We are actively seeking speakers for keynotes and breakouts about exciting advances in web analytics, search engine optimization, email marketing analytics, social media metrics, and more.


We’re looking for presentations that offer practical, tactical advice on


  • Becoming a Data Informed Organization
  • Using Generative AI for Analytics
  • Online Optimization
  • Behavioral Analytics
  • Marketing Intelligence Integration
  • Attribution Management
  • Testing Methods and Practices
  • Finding Insights and Stories from Data
  • The Path from Analyst to Data Scientist
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Marketing Mix Simulations
  • Machine Learning for Marketing
  • Mistakes to Avoid and Lessons Learned
  • Or some other topic that you find so exciting, you just know the audience will find it exciting too!
Apply to speak

Hints & Tips for Writing Your Abstract

Imagine yourself an attendee sitting in the audience when you give your presentation. What would you like to hear (or not)? What would make a positive impression and make you feel your time was well-spent? Consider those questions carefully when you write your abstract.

For starters two quick rules: Don’t be commercial, and don’t overuse buzzwords. Both will lessen your chances of being accepted.

Say enough, but don’t say too much. One sentence – or a list of bullets – is definitely not enough. More than 100 words is usually too much. To optimize your chances, express your message fully but succinctly.

Above all, remember that our audience is made up of digital analysts and analytics managers (as well as consultants and vendors). These practitioners are working in the coal mines of data – gathering, crunching, and generating insights all day long. They fully understand the value … the “why” of data. They are vitally interested in how people at different companies are getting it done.

We look for presentations that lean toward practical/tactical, and steer away from Big Picture/philosophy stuff. We all know that the results are the goal and hearing that somebody got a 138% increase in revenue is nice… but hearing how they implemented their analytics is what they want to learn.  It’s all about people, process, and technology so share what you know about managing the stakeholder stack and the colleague stack as well as the tech stack.

Knowledge is everything! Sign up for our newsletter to receive:
  • 10% off your ticket!
  • insights, interviews, tips, news, and much more about Marketing Analytics Summit
  • price break reminders