Full Day Workshop: Hands On with GA4
Monday, June 19, 2023
8:30 am
Summerlin E
GA4 isn’t just Universal Analytics with a new coat of paint — it’s a whole new way of measuring website and app engagement. With the Universal Analytics sunset date looming, it’s time to get hands on with GA4. This workshop will teach you not only how to use GA4, but how to rethink your analytics implementations to truly take advantage of everything GA4 has to offer.
Dana orients you to the important differences that make all the difference. A new user interface and a new lens to view your data mean you’ll need this crash course in how to see the sort of reports you are used to, as well as understanding how events, events, events are now the name of the game. Standard reports are out the door and creating custom events for custom reports and dashboards are in the house.
But that’s just half the workshop. Dana helps you acclimate to new types of advanced features and settings that will get you up and running from a stand still. This is where you make the move from GA Universal user to GA4 pilot. It’s time to up your game.