Morning Workshop: Care and Feeding of Digital Analysts – A Manager’s Guide
Monday, June 19, 2023
8:30 am
Summerlin F
If you’re responsible for managing a team of digital analysts (or want to), Jim offers some practical advice from those who have been there and done that. Jim has interviewed dozens of Digital Analytics Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents – and frontline analysts who wish their bosses had a clue.
Learn the tricks and traps of interviewing, onboarding, and retaining top talent. The department you save may be your own.
What Keeps an Analyst Engaged?Do You Know Their Personal Goals?What Simple Tricks Can Make Your Team Cohesive?How Do You Shift from Managing Them to Coaching Them?
This is very much a workshop situation. Yes, there are some slides to walk through but this will be a working session to talk about your situation. Come prepared to create your own To Do list and walk away with the confidence to help those you work with succeed.