SQL For Marketers – Collect, Connect and Get the Data You Need for Deeper Analysis and Effective Marketing
Monday, June 1, 2020
12:00 pm
Savvy marketers understand the value of data they have about their customer and their behavior. They use this data enhance their website, develop campaigns and marketing programs that drive positive outcomes. A key component of being data driven is the ability to quickly collect data, manipulate it and draw conclusions. However, they are often blocked by other priorities of SQL developers. The course is developed to help Marketers become self-sufficient to extract and manipulate the data without a SQL developer.
This course will teach everything marketers and marketing need to pull and combine the data to generate deeper marketing insights.
What you will learn:
- Fundamentals of the relational database and table structures
- Query writing to pull the required data, update data, add new data and delete data
- Data integration from various sources such email, CRM, website logfile etc.
- How to export data from the databases to flat files for further analytics in Excel or Tableau
- Identifying the most loyal and most profitable customers
- Scoring your customers based on their purchase behavior
- Customer categorization based on various criteria in your data sources – develop customer segments for better targeting
- Conducting cohort analysis
- Combining offline and online data to create remarketing lists in Google Ads
- Using data from the database to augment Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics reports – Will walk you through the process with Google Analytics
By the end of this workshop, you will:
- Understand databases and SQL
- Learn how to harness data from various sources to become a better marketer.
- Write SQL queries to pull the right data from database yourself so that you don’t have to be dependent on your developers.
- Add a valuable new skill to your arsenal that will immediately make you a better data-driven marketer, marketing analysts and growth hacker.
- Have readymade SQL scripts and recipes that you can use right away.